Software Development 101 – A Complete Guide For Stakeholders

Nov 17, 2023


18 min read

Software Development 101 – A Complete Guide For Stakeholders


Taylor Nguyen

Taylor Nguyen

Taylor is a content writer at LTS Group, fascinated by how changes are created through technology. When he doesn’t write, you can find him making coffee and chilling with his cat. Contact him at


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Hybrid App Development: Detailed Guide for Businesses in 2024

Hybrid App Development: Detailed Guide for Businesses in 2024

Jul 26, 2024


18 min read

With the global number of mobile phone users projected to reach 7.49 billion in 2025 by Statista, it’s clear that businesses have long ceased debating whether to build a mobile app. Instead, the focus has shifted to which mobile development approach is the most optimal: native, web, or hybrid app development. Making this decision is not an easy task, necessitating the deliberation of many different factors like budget, timeline, user interface (UI), user experience (UX), maintenance needs, and the skill set of the development team. Hybrid mobile app development, in particular, has gained significant traction recently. The Ionic Developer Survey, which gathered insights from over 13,000 developers, revealed that 32.7% of developers plan to move away from native development in favor of hybrid. Additionally, there has been a nearly 700% decrease in developers exclusively using native tools. In this article, we cover everything organizations should know about hybrid app development, from deciding when to develop hybrid apps to step-by-step instructions on building them, along with detailed insights into project costs, and much more. So, let’s get started! Table of Contents Toggle What is Hybrid App Development?When to Develop Hybrid Apps?How to Build a Hybrid App?Step 1. Planning the hybrid appStep 2. Setting up the development environmentStep 3. Building app architecture Step 4: Designing the user interfaceStep 5: Coding app functionalitiesStep 6: Testing and debuggingStep 7: Deploying and publishing the appStep 8: Monitoring and maintainingHow Much Does Hybrid App Development Cost?Pros and Cons of Hybrid App DevelopmentFAQs about Hybrid App DevelopmentFinal Thoughts about Hybrid App Development What is Hybrid App Development? Hybrid app development refers to building a unified application using a single codebase that could function across multiple platforms, from Android and iOS to Windows and more. What is Hybrid App Development In contrast to native app development, which requires platform-specific programming languages for different operating systems (OS), hybrid app development utilizes a unified code base compatible with all OS. For further insights into the differences between native vs hybrid mobile app development, check out our article An ultimate guide to native app development for enterprises in 2024. Essentially, hybrid apps work like web apps but are installed on devices like native apps. Similar to web apps, developers typically create hybrid apps using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. The device’s browser engine then renders such languages and native APIs to interact with device-specific hardware. Prominent hybrid app examples are Gmail, Instagram, and Uber: Gmail utilizes JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, and Vue.js for its front end. Instagram is developed using React Native. Uber employs Base, a web React UI framework, for the front end of its mobile apps. When to Develop Hybrid Apps? Now, the burning question of all is how to know if hybrid is the right choice for your business. Here are 5 scenarios where hybrid app development should be your next strategic move: When to Develop Hybrid Apps Multiple platform compatibility If your company aims to support multiple platforms like iOS and Android with minimal development effort, hybrid apps offer a compelling solution. They leverage a single codebase that operates across different OS, eliminating the need for separate development. Lack of specialized coding knowledge Unlike native apps that require proficiency in platform-specific languages, hybrid apps can be built with less specialized coding knowledge, making it easier to hire developers skilled in web technologies. Basic feature requirements Hybrid apps are sufficient if your app does not require advanced native features. Plus, even features that involve constant iteration like notifications, can be seamlessly integrated within hybrid apps using webviews, thereby simplifying the development process. Budget constraints Hybrid app development is cost-effective, particularly when compared to the expenses associated with developing and maintaining APIs for native apps. This approach helps businesses get native-like functionality within a limited budget. Speed trade-off While hybrid apps may be slower than native apps due to browser-based operations, they offer a balanced trade-off for rapid development and cross-platform compatibility. Therefore, they remain a viable option when speed isn’t a big concern to your business. Launch Your Hybrid Apps with LTS Group Today How to Build a Hybrid App? Creating hybrid apps means developers leverage both web technologies and native capabilities. Below is a detailed walkthrough of 8 fundamental steps in building a hybrid app: How to Build a Hybrid App Step 1. Planning the hybrid app In this planning phase, start by defining the hybrid app’s objectives, target audience, and key features.  Conducting comprehensive market research and competitor analysis plays an equally important role, helping your organization identify: industry trends, potential business opportunities rival apps’ strengths and weaknesses. The next sub-step to take is selecting suitable tech stacks for the hybrid mobile application. With the advantage of writing code once for the deployment on Android, iOS, and web versions, hybrid application development is already much more manageable. Below, we handpicked a list of the top 5 widely used hybrid app development frameworks: Flutter Introduced by Google, Flutter has rapidly gained popularity for its speed, reliability, and ability to create visually stunning UIs with flexible designs. For 3 consecutive years from 2021 to 2023, it was the most popular hybrid mobile framework, as reported by Statista report. Many major brands such as Amazon, Alibaba, BMW, and Toyota have leveraged Flutter for their applications. React Native Created by Facebook, React Native is favored for its speed, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. It supports the development of applications for large organizations like Uber, Skype, Bloomberg, and Instagram. Ionic Utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Ionic offers built-in support for AngularJS, making it ideal for front-end development. It simplifies the creation of progressive web apps (PWAs) and provides premium UI design components. Xamarin Xamarin is known for its code reuse efficiency, allowing developers to reuse a substantial portion of their codebase on different platforms. However, it may lag behind in updates compared to Google and Apple, which can lead to compatibility issues. NativeScript NativeScript is specially designed for developers proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, or Angular. Applications built with NativeScript deliver a native user experience on all mobile platforms. Step 2. Setting up the development environment The second phase revolves around setting up the development environment for the hybrid app, which necessitates several key tasks as follows: Installing necessary hybrid mobile app development tools and software: First, hybrid mobile app developers need to download their preferred frameworks, whether it’s Ionic, React Native, Xamarin, or Flutter. It’s also recommended that your team’s development efforts be streamlined with a single integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA. Configuring the development environment: Once the required technologies are installed, it’s time to configure the IDE and set up the software development kit (SDK). Setting up testing devices: Configuring testing devices, whether they’re physical or virtual, is the next important task. Step 3. Building app architecture  The success of an app hinges greatly on its architecture, which encompasses crucial elements such as code structure and data storage methods. A well-planned architecture ensures easier mobile app maintenance and future updates, which can be achieved through the following essential steps: Creating project structure: Simply establishing a project folder and organizing it with directories for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other essential resources. Setting up main HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files: Developing the foundational files that define the app’s structure and user interface. For example, CSS files handle styling, while HTML documents provide the framework for the app’s graphical elements. Integrating libraries and frameworks: Incorporating vital libraries and frameworks like Cordova and React Native to enable hybrid functionalities and integrate native features seamlessly. Step 4: Designing the user interface A poor mobile experience can deter 52% of users from engaging with a company. Therefore, creating an attractive and high-quality design is crucial for the application’s success. Every interface detail must be meticulously planned to ensure a delightful user experience. Creating visually appealing UI and UX elements: Great effort should be put into crafting aesthetically pleasing UI and UX by designing clear layouts, appropriate color schemes, and visually engaging elements to enhance the overall look and feel of the hybrid app. Implementing responsive design principles: Designers should employ responsive design techniques to create an optimal user experience across different devices and screen sizes. Using CSS frameworks for efficient styling: To expedite the styling process and boost productivity, your team can leverage CSS frameworks like Bulma, Materialize, and Bootstrap. These frameworks provide pre-designed themes and components that can be easily customized to meet the app’s design requirements. Step 5: Coding app functionalities With the app architecture and user interface established, the next step is coding to develop a high-performing, robust, and secure back end with desired functionalities. The duration of this stage varies based on the complexity and volume of tasks. And of course, implementing extensive and complex features takes more time; however, on average, it takes around 3 to 4 months to develop a prototype or MVP – a simplified version of the application containing only the core functionalities. Step 6: Testing and debugging Once functionalities are built, your team needs to test them to confirm the app looks and functions as intended. This step includes testing both the front end and back end, and addressing any issues that arise. Conducting usability and functional testing: To verify that the hybrid app works as planned and provides a smooth user experience, functional testing and usability testing come on the scene. Debugging common issues and errors: Developers must proactively review, identify, and fix issues and errors throughout the development and testing phases for a reliable, bug-free application. Optimizing app performance and responsiveness: App performance substantially contributes to a satisfactory user experience. Thus, try to prioritize script optimization, reduce load times, and minimize app size. Step 7: Deploying and publishing the app Before releasing the app, it must undergo final preparations to guarantee it meets all standards and requirements: Preparing the app for release: The app should undergo comprehensive testing, optimization, and final checks to make sure it’s ready for release. Apart from app feature assessment, your team has to stay compliant with the guidelines of Google Play Store or App Store and prepare all required assets and documentation. Registering for a developer account: To publish the app on Google Play Store and App Store, your team needs a developer account, which can be easily registered after providing necessary information, agreeing to terms and conditions, and submitting a one-time registration fee. Publishing the app: Once the developer profile is set up, the hybrid app is ready to be launched! Step 8: Monitoring and maintaining Monitoring and maintaining a hybrid mobile application encompasses several crucial activities to achieve continued success and user satisfaction: Implementing analytics to track user behavior: Many analytics tools can be integrated to monitor how users interact with the hybrid app, analyze usage patterns, and identify popular features. Gathering user feedback and resolving bug reports: Continuous improvement necessitates actively gathering user feedback and promptly addressing bug reports. By soliciting input and responding to issues, your team can boost app performance, identify user pain points, and prioritize new features. Carrying out regular app updates and improvements: Regular updates are essential to maintaining the app’s competitiveness and relevance. Based on user feedback and market trends, your team can consider adding new features to improve existing functionality and optimize performance. PRO TIP:  Streamline these 8 phases by partnering with a trusted hybrid app development company! To choose the right partner, factor in 4 crucial aspects including expertise, cost, post-launch services, and communication for a successful collaboration. Learn more: Mobile app development outsourcing in 2024: How to make it work On the lookout for a reputable company providing top-notch hybrid app development services? Look no further than LTS Group. With over 8 years of experience and a track record of delivering comprehensive software solutions, we specialize in creating and enhancing not just iOS and Android apps, but also hybrid apps. Rest assured that partnering with us gives your company access to a team of seasoned developers dedicated to delivering robust and efficient customized hybrid apps. Launch Your Hybrid Apps with LTS Group Today How Much Does Hybrid App Development Cost? Hybrid mobile app development cost varies greatly depending on the app’s complexity and features. Nevertheless, it generally proves more cost-effective than its native counterpart thanks to shared codebases across platforms. Here’s a quick look at the expense of building hybrid apps, categorized by their intricacy: How Much Does Hybrid App Development Cost Basic hybrid mobile apps: These apps are simpler in nature and quicker to develop, typically costing around $10,000. Medium-complex hybrid mobile apps: More sophisticated apps with advanced features may range from $10,000 to $50,000 and take 2-3 months to complete. Enterprise hybrid mobile apps: These applications are highly complex, requiring extensive features and customization. Development timelines can extend from 3 to 6 months, with costs ranging from $50,000 to $150,000. Pros and Cons of Hybrid App Development Hybrid mobile application development offers cost-effectiveness, shorter development times, and ease of scalability. However, it can face performance limitations, varied user experience on different platforms, and potential gaps in feature availability. For more information, refer to the table below: Pros of Hybrid App Development   Cons of Hybrid App Development Cross-platform compatibility: Hybrid apps run on multiple platforms with a single codebase, thereby saving time and resources. Performance limitations: Hybrid apps may be slower due to heavier code and may lack certain native features. Shorter development time: Reusing code across platforms reduces development time compared to native app development. Gap in user experience quality: Due to reliance on a single codebase, user experience may not be the same on different platforms, which can cause a lack of tailored feel in native apps. Easy scalability: Leveraging web technologies and a unified codebase makes scaling hybrid apps simpler and more efficient. Availability of features: Not all new features are universally supported in the hybrid version, so chances are some native functionalities may not be available in hybrid apps. Cost-effective: Lower development and maintenance costs make hybrid apps a budget-friendly choice. Test complexity: Testing hybrid apps across multiple platforms requires thorough testing to ensure compatibility and functionality, adding to development time and expenses. Ease of development: Simplified development process results from familiar web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Xamarin, Flutter, and React Native. Limited access to latest device features: Due to dependency on third-party frameworks, hybrid apps may fall behind regarding access to the newest device features and APIs introduced by platforms like Google and Apple. FAQs about Hybrid App Development What is hybrid application development? Hybrid app development refers to building a unified application using a single codebase that could function across multiple platforms, from Android and iOS to Windows and more. What are examples of hybrid apps? Gmail: Uses JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, and Vue.js for its front end. Instagram: Built with React Native, focusing on image-centric social media interactions. Uber: Utilizes Base, a React UI framework, through its mobile web interface, providing a seamless webview experience on mobile devices. X: Employs Node.js, Express, and React Native in its front-end stack, functioning as a progressive web app (PWA) that offers enhanced UI performance through progressive loading of UI layers. How much does it cost to develop a hybrid app? Hybrid mobile apps cost from around $10,000 to $150,000+ depending on app complexity, features, development duration, and team expertise: Basic apps: Around $10,000. Medium-complex apps: $10,000 to $50,000. Enterprise apps:  $50,000 to $150,000 or more. Final Thoughts about Hybrid App Development Given that building mobile apps individually for each platform is costly and resource-intensive, hybrid app development stands as a compelling alternative, boasting cross-platform compatibility, cost efficiency, quicker time-to-market, and more. However, it’s essential to weigh development expenses, timeline, target audience, etc., before finalizing your company’s mobile development approach. Once the decision is made, the development process should commence: Start by planning the hybrid application, setting up the development environment, building the app architecture, designing the user interface, developing functionalities, testing and debugging, deploying and publishing, and finally, monitoring and maintaining the app. Eager to build your own hybrid app but struggling to find skilled developers? LTS Group is here to help! With a dedicated team of experienced professionals in hybrid app development, along with our competitive pricing, robust security measures, and expertise across various industries, we stand out in the crowded IT outsourcing landscape. Launch Your Hybrid Apps with LTS Group Today { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is hybrid application development?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Hybrid app development refers to building a unified application using a single codebase that could function across multiple platforms, from Android and iOS to Windows and more." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are examples of hybrid apps?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Gmail: Uses JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, and Vue.js for its front end. Instagram: Built with React Native, focusing on image-centric social media interactions. Uber: Utilizes Base, a React UI framework, through its mobile web interface, providing a seamless webview experience on mobile devices. X: Employs Node.js, Express, and React Native in its front-end stack, functioning as a progressive web app (PWA) that offers enhanced UI performance through progressive loading of UI layers." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How much does it cost to develop a hybrid app?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Hybrid mobile apps cost from around $10,000 to $150,000+ depending on app complexity, features, development duration, and team expertise: Basic apps: Around $10,000. Medium-complex apps: $10,000 to $50,000. Enterprise apps:  $50,000 to $150,000 or more." } }] }

An Ultimate Guide to Native App Development for Enterprises in 2024

An Ultimate Guide to Native App Development for Enterprises in 2024

Jun 19, 2024


21 mins read

Mobile apps have become indispensable tools in our daily lives, serving purposes ranging from shopping and entertainment to productivity and communication. Given this reliance on smartphones, mobile apps are supposed to be high-performing, stable, and easy to use. To exceed users’ expectations, app builders are leaning towards native app development. Indeed, according to Precedence Research, the global mobile application market size reached USD 196.08 billion in 2023 and is projected to surpass USD 1,383.65 billion by 2033, experiencing a remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 21.55%. Regarding quantity, there are a staggering 3.2 million apps on the Google Play Store and 1.9 million on the Apple App Store, underscoring the immense popularity of native apps. Understanding the prevalence of native applications, in this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of native app development, from its benefits, drawbacks, and cost, to its differences from hybrid and cross-platform approaches, along with detailed steps to build your organization’s native app. Table of Contents Toggle What is Native App Development?Native Android app developmentNative iOS app developmentNative vs. Hybrid vs. Cross-platform App DevelopmentHow to Decide on an App Development Approach?App complexitySpeed and responsivenessTime to marketCustomer reachDeveloper expertiseDevelopment and maintenance costsHardware accessApp securityHow to Create A Native App?Step 1: Conduct market researchStep 2: Decide on your app’s development pathStep 3: Develop your native appStep 4: Launch on app storesHow Much Does It Cost to Develop Native Apps?Benefits of Native Mobile App DevelopmentDrawbacks of Native Mobile App DevelopmentFAQ about Native App DevelopmentFinal Thoughts about Native App Development What is Native App Development? Native app development refers to the creation of applications tailored for particular devices and mobile platforms such as Android and iOS. Here developers utilize native programming languages of the operating system (OS) to design apps optimized for a single platform, be it desktops, smart TVs, smartphones, or other digital devices. Based on Statista’s latest data, Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS operating systems have effectively dominated the mobile market, accounting for 99.2% of total mobile OS usage in the first quarter of 2024. As we move further into 2024, it’s thus evident that mobile app development remains predominantly focused on building native apps for the Android and iOS platforms. Native Android app development Native Android app development means building applications specifically tailored for Android devices, primarily for distribution on the Google Play Store. To build these apps, developers employ programming languages such as Kotlin, Java, and C++. Google also provides a range of resources to IT professionals, including Android Studio – its official Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Android SDK, Firebase, and Android Jetpack. These resources collectively contribute to an environment conducive to simplifying the process of Android app development. Native iOS app development iOS native app development focuses on the creation of iOS apps for the Apple App Store. Unlike Android, iOS operates on a closed-source code exclusive to Apple’s hardware. As a result, developing and deploying iOS apps necessitates the use of a Mac device. The two main programming languages used in this process are Objective-C and Swift. A suite of software and tools is also supported by Apple itself, including iOS SDK, Swift Playgrounds, Xcode as the official Integrated Development Environment, and TestFlight for testing and deployment. Native vs. Hybrid vs. Cross-platform App Development Basically, there are three main approaches to developing solutions, regardless of types of mobile app: native, cross-platform, and hybrid. Here’s a quick comparison of these methods! Native app development: This approach entails building separate applications for each platform, such as iOS and Android, using platform-specific languages and tools. By doing so, software engineers can achieve optimized performance, seamless compatibility, and an enhanced user experience customized to each platform’s unique characteristics. Hybrid app development: Hybrid app development combines native and web solutions. Here developers integrate code written in languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript into a native app using plugins like Ionic’s Capacitor or Apache Cordova so that users can access native functionalities. Generally, these apps consist of backend code and a native viewer downloaded for displaying functions. With hybrid development, code is written once and can be applied across multiple platforms. Cross-platform app development: Cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Xamarin aim to create shareable and reusable code for developing apps across different operating systems. This method involves writing code once and reusing it across multiple platforms, thereby reducing development costs and efforts. While cross-platform apps offer some performance benefits over hybrid apps, they may not match the level of optimization and integration found in native apps. For more details, check out the table below: Factor Native App Development Hybrid App Development Cross-platform App Development Code reusability Limited reusability High code reusability (around 70-80%) High code reusability (around 80-90%) Development languages E.g. Java and Kotlin for Android. Swift and Objective-C for iOS. Web-based languages such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript Platform-specific languages, including JavaScript, Java, React Native, and C# Programming tools AndroidStudio, IntelliJ IDEA for Android. XCode, AppCode for iOS. Ionic, Apache Cordova, and VisualStudio. React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and Phonegap. Access to device APIs Full access to all device APIs and features Limited access to device APIs; depends on plugins for extended functions. Access to most device APIs, but updates may lag behind native Time to market Relatively long Faster thanks to reusable code Faster thanks to reusable code Examples Google Maps, Apple Music, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Spotify Instagram, Trello, Gmail, Salesforce, and Slack Airbnb, Bloomberg, Fox Sports, Skype, and Walmart How to Decide on an App Development Approach? When selecting an app development approach, it’s of great importance to strike a balance between user needs and your business constraints. To kickstart your organization’s evaluation process, start by defining your app’s target audience. Are they primarily dedicated-platform users, or do they span across different platforms? Do they belong to specific demographic or geographic groups? What are their motivations for downloading the app – work, education, entertainment, or other purposes? Once the target audience is identified, your firm should move on to consider the following 9 factors for a well-informed decision: App complexity For highly complex apps, native development is preferred. This is because, with this approach, developers can leverage tools like Android, iOS, and other system-specific Software Development Kits (SDKs) and APIs to meticulously code apps and have them function seamlessly on a particular platform. For simpler apps, hybrid or cross-platform development may be more suitable. While these two methods may not deliver ultra-high speeds, they can support rich media and provide visually appealing UI designs. Speed and responsiveness Native apps excel in performance, offering quick uploads and intuitive interactions with the platform’s UI design. Cross-platform apps can provide solid functionality and a native-like look and feel but may not match the performance of native apps. Hybrid apps generally offer satisfactory performance but may have inconsistent UIs. Time to market Cross-platform and hybrid approaches are ideal for rapid development, bringing close-to-native experiences without the need for extensive customization. Native development requires longer development cycles for each platform, making it suitable for apps with longer lifetimes and specific platform requirements. Customer reach Native apps are exclusively available on platform-specific stores like Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Cross-platform and hybrid apps can be distributed across multiple app stores, enhancing visibility. Hybrid apps also offer accessibility via web links, catering to users who prefer not to download apps. Developer expertise For broad audience targeting, native development often requires separate developer teams for different platforms. Cross-platform and hybrid approaches enable a single team to create a shareable codebase, boosting productivity. Native coding expertise is still required for customizing plug-ins and bridges in cross-platform and hybrid development. Development and maintenance costs Native app development typically demands more resources for both development and maintenance. However, it offers immediate support for new operating system releases and clear upgrade paths, which other approaches might lack. Hybrid or cross-platform development is the more cost-effective choice for companies operating on a limited budget. These methods allow for simultaneous development, testing, and updates across platforms, resulting in reduced overall costs. >> Delve deeper into mobile app maintenance: types, cost & best practices. Hardware access Native developers can directly access all device-specific hardware capabilities. Cross-platform and hybrid developers can utilize APIs and plug-ins to activate some hardware functions, but may not achieve the same level of access or speed. App security Native programming libraries provide tools for implementing built-in security features and debugging code. Cross-platform and hybrid apps have their own security configuration tools, but they’re perceived as more vulnerable due to their web-based nature. How to Create A Native App? Now comes the meat of the matter – how to develop native mobile apps. Explore the 5 essential steps below to help steer your app development journey! Step 1: Conduct market research First things first, your business should carry out thorough market research, competitor analysis, and budgeting. At this stage, stakeholders need to define the app’s concept and objectives meticulously to align resources effectively. It’s important to note that investing ample time and resources in this software development planning phase will lay a strong foundation for the development process later on. Another way your company might try to gain a solid start is to create and test prototypes. Step 2: Decide on your app’s development path After finishing researching, it’s time to select your application’s development approach. If your organization is comfortable with coding, opting for native app development tools specific to each platform is the way to go. Otherwise, exploring no-code native application development tools that simplify the app-building process is also worth considering. Step 3: Develop your native app The software development process varies depending on companies’ chosen method and available resources. Nevertheless, there are some fundamental tasks your business is expected to encounter, including: Designing the UI/UX Building desired features and functionalities Developing apps tailored for targeted platforms Ensuring a customized look and feel Thoroughly testing the app in dedicated environments to guarantee seamless performance Feeling overwhelmed by all the time and effort required? Outsourcing native app development services could be the solution! By outsourcing mobile app development to a team of seasoned IT professionals, your business can reap numerous benefits: Reduced costs: Developing a mobile app in-house demands significant expenses, including hiring developers, designers, and project managers, as well as investing in infrastructure and tools. Outsourcing to developing countries like Vietnam can bring substantial cost savings to the table, ranging from 30% to 70% according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Faster time to market: Outsourcing companies often follow established development processes and best practices, streamlining the workflow to accelerate the software development cycle. This results in quicker delivery of the final product to the market, giving your app a competitive edge in the saturated market. Access to diverse talent pool: Outsourcing provides access to a vast talent pool comprising skilled professionals capable of delivering high-quality, scalable, and secure apps tailored to specific business needs. Business resilience: Delegating app development enables your company to focus on core competencies and primary business goals, while external teams handle the technical aspect. Scalability and flexibility: Outsourcing service providers can quickly adjust team sizes to meet evolving application requirements, offering your organization’s scalability and flexibility as needed. In case you’re looking for a trusted partner providing native mobile app development services right now, don’t hesitate to reach out to LTS Group! Located in Hanoi, Vietnam’s primary tech hub, LTS Group boasts over 7 years of experience in providing comprehensive software development and testing services. With a successful track record of collaborating with more than 60 clients worldwide across various industries, we specialize in developing mobile apps from scratch or improving existing ones. Partnering with LTS Group guarantees your company access to a seasoned team dedicated to delivering functional and user-friendly native apps. Step 4: Launch on app stores Finally, it’s time to officially release your native mobile application to its designated marketplaces! For example, Android apps can be launched on the Google Play Store, while iOS apps are made available on the Apple App Store for users to discover and download directly. It’s of great importance to follow the submission guidelines provided by Google and Apple meticulously, ensuring compliance to avoid rejection. Once deployed, your app is ready to reach its intended audience and begin making an impact! How Much Does It Cost to Develop Native Apps? Based on the rates made public by Upwork’s freelance mobile app developers, the average hourly rate for a native app developer ranges from $35 to $150 or more. Assuming it takes about six months to finish the whole creation process for a robust v.1.0 app, we can expect the total cost would fall between $33,600 and $144,000. However, these figures are just estimates, and actual project costs may vary. Hourly rates might also fluctuate weekly based on project requirements and freelancer availability. Plus, the number of hours dedicated per week can influence project duration. All these factors will greatly impact the cost of building your company’s apps when hiring freelancers. Alternatively, outsourcing to a native mobile app development company offers significant advantages, including tighter project management, higher expertise from a team of experienced developers, and faster time-to-market. Depending on the complexity, additional features, platform, location, and business niche, the cost of outsourcing mobile app development can range from $10,000 to $50,000 for simpler projects and may exceed $250,000 for more complex ones. But, in general, the benefits of outsourcing are much more pronounced, making it an ideal approach for companies in the long run. Benefits of Native Mobile App Development The idea of having to use different programming languages for each platform might seem daunting, but many organizations still choose native app development for a reason. Check out the 5 key benefits of this approach for more insights! Superior performance: Native apps excel in performance, offering unparalleled speed and efficiency. Unlike hybrid or cross-platform apps, native apps don’t have intermediate layers, resulting in faster speeds, robust graphics support, and overall enhanced performance. Enhanced user experience: Built using platform-native SDKs, native apps maintain consistency in look and feel, ensuring familiarity for users and elevating their experience. In addition, native apps simplify and improve user interaction with features like robust in-browser caching, offline availability, and device-centric functionalities. Access to device features: Native apps can directly access a device’s hardware and software features, such as the camera, GPS, and sensors, enabling developers to create advanced, feature-rich applications that fully utilize the device’s capabilities. Fewer bugs: Fixing bugs in native apps is simpler compared to hybrid or web apps. Unlike hybrid apps that rely on cross-platform mobile development tools, native apps avoid additional layers that increase the likelihood of bugs. This streamlined approach creates smoother app performance, enhances user loyalty, boosts app reputation, and ultimately increases revenue. Better security and scalability: Native apps benefit from built-in security protocols of underlying operating systems, receiving quick releases, system fixes, and updates ahead of web and hybrid apps. Leveraging the robust infrastructure of dedicated Google and Apple tools also helps minimize errors or bugs. Moreover, native apps facilitate easier implementation of security measures like biometric and two-factor authentication, ensuring heightened security. Drawbacks of Native Mobile App Development Building apps is never easy, and native app development can be particularly demanding. Here are the 3 main disadvantages of this approach: No code reusability: With native app development, developers cannot use the same codebase across different platforms. This means that targeting multiple platforms requires separate code for each one, complicating the development and maintenance process. If your company’s resources are limited, this could restrict the ability to support various platforms. Longer development time: Developing the same app for different platforms, such as iOS and Android, means programmers cannot simply transfer features from one platform to another. Each platform requires its own development process, thereby doubling the time needed to implement features. High development cost: The need for separate development teams, lack of code reusability, and extended project timelines all contribute to higher development costs. For companies aiming to launch apps on numerous platforms, the budget can escalate significantly. FAQ about Native App Development What is native app development? Native app development means creating applications tailored for particular devices and mobile platforms such as Android and iOS. Here developers utilize native programming languages of the operating system to design apps optimized for a single platform, be it desktops, smart TVs, smartphones, or other digital devices. What are some examples of native apps? 4 notable examples of native apps are Spotify, LinkedIn, Google Maps, and Pinterest. What are some tools for native app development for Android and iOS? Tools for Android native app development: Android Studio IntelliJ IDEA Tools for iOS native app development: XCode AppCode What are the differences between native vs. cross-platform vs. hybrid apps? Native apps: Built with platform-specific, non-reusable code, offering optimal performance and access to device features. Cross-platform apps: Developed using a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms, enhancing code reusability and reducing development time. Hybrid apps: Combining elements of both web and native apps, built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and embedded within a native container to access device features. Final Thoughts about Native App Development Native app development is the process of crafting mobile applications specifically tailored to platforms like iOS or Android. This approach brings significant advantages for businesses, including optimized performance, enhanced security, and scalability. While hybrid and cross-platform approaches may offer time and resource savings, they often fall short in delivering the same level of quality as native apps. With that being said, native app development can be complex, involving various steps and mastery of development tools. Additionally, adherence to app store guidelines, whether for the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, adds another layer of consideration. Therefore, to navigate this process successfully, it’s essential to have a dedicated and expert native app development team in place that takes full care of designing, developing, deploying, and rolling out the app in the corresponding app store. Ready to kickstart your native app development journey? Let LTS Group be your reliable partner today! { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is native app development?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Native app development means creating applications tailored for particular devices and mobile platforms such as Android and iOS. Here developers utilize native programming languages of the operating system to design apps optimized for a single platform, be it desktops, smart TVs, smartphones, or other digital devices." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are some examples of native apps?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "4 notable examples of native apps are Spotify, LinkedIn, Google Maps, and Pinterest." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are some tools for native app development for Android and iOS?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Tools for Android native app development: Android Studio IntelliJ IDEA Tools for iOS native app development: XCode AppCode" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the differences between native vs. cross-platform vs. hybrid apps?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Native apps: Built with platform-specific, non-reusable code, offering optimal performance and access to device features. Cross-platform apps: Developed using a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms, enhancing code reusability and reducing development time. Hybrid apps: Combining elements of both web and native apps, built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and embedded within a native container to access device features." } }] }

8 Essential Characteristics of High Performing Agile Teams in 2024

8 Essential Characteristics of High Performing Agile Teams in 2024

May 23, 2024


18 min read

High performing agile teams have become essential for businesses, offering advantages over traditional models like waterfall by embracing flexibility and collaboration. This shift is driven by the need to stay agile amidst the ongoing changes and uncertainties in today’s business landscape. Despite the widespread adoption of agile development practices, success isn’t guaranteed. How can organizations create exceptional agile teams? Let’s delve into the key attributes and strategies essential for building high-performing agile teams. Scroll down to explore further. Table of Contents Toggle What Is a High-performing Agile Team?8 Agile Team CharacteristicsEffective communication Adaptability and flexibility Collaborative team culture Autonomous and empowered agile teams Iterative and incremental delivery Continuous learning and improvement Customer focus Cross-functional skills and diversityHow To Build High Performing Agile TeamsDefine clear goals and objectivesBuild a diverse teamEstablish trust and psychological safetyEmpower self-organizationPromote effective communicationContinuously improve and adaptBenefits of Building High Performing Agile TeamsFrequently Asked Questions About High-performing Agile TeamsFinal Thoughts About High Performing Agile Teams What Is a High-performing Agile Team? A high performing agile team is a cohesive group of individuals that collaborates effectively, adapts to change and consistently delivers high-quality results in alignment with Agile principles and values. This entails embodying lean agile’s values like transparency, adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement, fostering self-organization, setting clear goals, and leveraging diverse skills for exceptional results. Understanding these fundamental characteristics is key to building such a team. What Is High-performing Agile Team? 8 Agile Team Characteristics Here are the 8 characteristics of agile high performing teams: 8 Characteristics of a high-performing Agile Team Effective communication Communication is the backbone of high performing agile teams. They prioritize clear and open communication channels among team members, stakeholders, and customers. High performing agile offshore software development teams demonstrate effective communication through regular and transparent interactions. They conduct daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress, share updates, and identify obstacles. Team members actively listen to each other, ask clarifying questions, and provide constructive feedback. Additionally, they use collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or project management software like Jira or knowledge management platform to centralize communication, share documents, and track real-time progress.  High performing agile teams also prioritize face-to-face or virtual meetings for important discussions, sprint planning sessions, and retrospectives to ensure alignment and encourage a culture of open communication. By fostering transparent conversations and actively listening to feedback, high performing agile teams ensure that everyone is aligned with project goals, tasks, and dependencies. This seamless communication leads to increased collaboration, reduced misunderstandings, and better outcomes overall.   Adaptability and flexibility High performing agile teams are known for their adaptability and flexibility. They embrace change and are quick to respond to new project specification or shifting priorities. Agile methodologies provide the scaled agile framework for this adaptability by emphasizing iterative development and continuous improvement.  High performing agile teams leverage techniques like backlog refinement and sprint reviews to incorporate feedback and make necessary adjustments, ensuring they stay on track to deliver value.    Collaborative team culture Collaborative team culture is evident in high performing agile teams through shared ownership, trust, and a focus on collective success. Team members actively collaborate on tasks, pair programs when necessary, and engage in knowledge-sharing sessions. They encourage cross-functional collaboration by involving team members from different disciplines in decision-making and problem-solving processes. High performing agile teams foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement by conducting regular retrospectives to reflect on successes and areas for improvement collectively. This collaborative mindset promotes innovation, enhances team morale, and strengthens overall performance.   Autonomous and empowered agile teams Autonomous and empowered agile teams embody the essence of self-organization and self-sufficiency, driving high performance and continuous improvement within agile development projects. High performing agile teams empower individuals to take initiative, make decisions, and contribute meaningfully to the team’s goals. They provide clear goals and objectives, along with the necessary resources and support, to enable autonomy.  Team members are given agile roles and responsibilities aligned with their expertise, reducing dependency on hierarchical approvals. This empowerment significantly improves agile team management and boosts productivity and job satisfaction within the agile development team.   Iterative and incremental delivery High performing agile teams focus on delivering value iteratively and incrementally to stakeholders. They break down projects into manageable user stories or tasks and prioritize them based on customer feedback and business priorities.  Agile teams conduct sprint planning sessions to select and commit to a set of tasks for each iteration (sprint). They use techniques like story point estimation and velocity tracking to forecast software delivery timelines accurately. By delivering working increments at the end of each sprint, high performing agile teams gather feedback, iterate on features, and ensure alignment with evolving requirements, maximizing value delivery.   Continuous learning and improvement Continuous learning and improvement are critical to high performing agile teams’ success. They dedicate time to learning activities such as skill-building workshops, cross-training sessions, and industry conferences to stay updated with emerging trends and technologies.  High performing agile software development teams encourage knowledge sharing through pair programming, code reviews, and lunch-and-learn sessions. They conduct regular retrospectives to reflect on past experiences, celebrate successes, identify improvement opportunities, and implement actionable changes in their software development life cycle (SDLC). This culture of continuous learning drives innovation, enhances team capabilities, and fosters a growth mindset among team members.   Customer focus High performing agile teams prioritize customer value by actively engaging with stakeholders, gathering feedback, and aligning their deliverables with customer needs. They conduct user interviews, usability testing, and product demonstrations to validate assumptions and ensure that the delivered solutions meet user expectations. Agile teams involve customers in the software development process through collaborative workshops, feedback sessions, and regular status updates. They prioritize and sequence backlog items based on customer feedback and business value, ensuring that the most valuable features are delivered early and frequently. This customer-centric approach builds trust, enhances customer satisfaction, and drives long-term success for high performing agile teams.   Cross-functional skills and diversity High performing agile teams leverage cross-functional skills and diversity to tackle complex challenges and drive innovation. They assemble agile teams with a mix of technical expertise, domain knowledge, and creative thinking skills, reflecting the diversity of agile team roles within the team. Agile teams encourage cross-training and knowledge sharing across disciplines to broaden skill sets and promote collaboration. By embracing diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, these teams approach problems from multiple angles, identify creative solutions, and mitigate risks effectively. Cross-functional collaboration also reduces silos, fosters a culture of inclusivity within the agile team structure, and enhances overall team performance and resilience in agile development projects.   How To Build High Performing Agile Teams Building high-performance agile teams requires a combination of effective leadership, clear communication, and a strong team culture. Here are six steps to help you build high-performance agile teams: 6 Steps To Build High Performing Agile Teams Define clear goals and objectives Start by defining clear goals and objectives for your team. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Project manager or team leader should ensure that everyone on the team understands these goals and is aligned with the overall vision.   Build a diverse team A diverse team brings different perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table, which can lead to innovative solutions and better decision-making. Diversity of backgrounds, expertise, personalities and ways of thinking should be priorities when organizations form an agile team structure. Leaders can refer to the agile roles and responsibilities matrix templates to assign roles based on individual strengths and expertise.   Establish trust and psychological safety Foster an environment of trust and psychological safety where team members feel comfortable taking risks, sharing ideas, and admitting mistakes without fear of judgment or failure. This openness encourages collaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement within the team.   Empower self-organization Agile team leaders can empower members to self-organize and make decisions collectively. This includes providing them with the autonomy to plan and execute their work while offering guidance and support as needed. The best strategy is to encourage ownership and accountability for outcomes at the team level.   Promote effective communication Effective communication is crucial for agile teams to stay aligned, share progress, and address challenges promptly. Leveraging communication tools and practices such as daily stand-up meetings, regular retrospectives, and collaborative platforms can facilitate transparent and timely communication among team members.   Continuously improve and adapt Embracing a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation is crucial to an agile development team. Leaders can encourage regular reflections on processes, outcomes, and team dynamics through retrospective meetings. In addition, agile teams can also use feedback from retrospectives to identify areas for improvement, adjust strategies, and implement changes iteratively. By following these steps and investing in the development of your team’s capabilities, stakeholders can build a high-performance agile team that delivers value consistently, adapts to change effectively, and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation.   Benefits of Building High Performing Agile Teams As per a recent HP survey involving over 600 development and IT professionals, a significant majority of organizations have adopted agile methods as their primary approach. Building high performing agile teams brings various advantages for both the team and the organization. Here are several key benefits: Enhanced efficiency: Efficient and productive agile teams streamline their processes, remove obstacles, and prioritize delivering value promptly. This results in quicker project completion and a greater volume of high-quality work. Improved quality: Agile teams emphasizing collaboration, ongoing feedback, and technical excellence consistently produce top-notch results. Through software testing, refining, and peer evaluations, they minimize errors and ensure the final product meets or exceeds customer expectations. Agile adaptability: Agile teams excel at adapting and being flexible, responding swiftly to shifts in customer needs, market dynamics, or project priorities. This agility helps them remain aligned with business objectives and deliver the most valuable outcomes. Innovative empowerment: High performing agile teams foster a culture of creativity and innovation. By encouraging experimentation, open dialogue, and diverse viewpoints, team members feel empowered to suggest new concepts, challenge existing norms, and explore inventive solutions.   Frequently Asked Questions About High-performing Agile Teams What is an agile team? An agile team is a cohesive unit within an organization that embraces agile principles and methodologies to deliver value to customers efficiently and effectively. Unlike traditional teams, agile teams are cross-functional, self-organizing, and empowered to make decisions. They work in short iterative cycles (sprints) and prioritize collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement. Agile teams often follow frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, or Extreme Programming (XP) to manage their work and respond to changing requirements and customer feedback promptly.   What are the characteristics of a high-performing agile team?  High-performing agile teams share several key characteristics that set them apart. These teams are known for their strong collaboration among team members, where knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving thrive. They demonstrate adaptability by embracing changes and iterations and constantly refining their processes and products. Empowerment is another hallmark, as team members are trusted to make decisions and take ownership of their work, fostering a sense of accountability and motivation. Transparency in communication and visibility into progress and outcomes are also crucial, along with a relentless focus on delivering value to customers through continuous learning, feedback incorporation, and a results-oriented mindset.   How do you measure high-performing agile teams? Measuring the performance of high performing agile teams involves a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics. Quantitative metrics such as velocity (amount of work completed per iteration), cycle time (time taken to complete tasks), and quality metrics (defect rates, customer satisfaction scores) provide tangible indicators of productivity, efficiency, and quality of work. Qualitative measures include team happiness and collaboration levels, often gathered through surveys or feedback sessions. Tracking delivery frequency, using burnup/burndown charts to visualize progress, conducting retrospectives for continuous improvement, and collecting direct customer feedback also contribute to assessing the team’s performance and effectiveness in delivering value to stakeholders.   Final Thoughts About High Performing Agile Teams High performing agile teams offer a strategic imperative for businesses seeking a competitive edge,  including increased productivity and innovation to faster response times and adaptability. By applying the insights and strategies outlined in this article, organizations can foster a culture of agility, collaboration, and continuous improvement within their teams. If your business are facing challenges in building or optimizing a high-performing agile team, or if you’re seeking expert guidance in this area, we are here to assist you. Our team of agile experts can tailor solutions to align with your specific needs and objectives. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today and unlock the full potential of agile methodologies in your organization. Website:  Tel: (+84) 96-238-7474 Linkedin: { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is an agile team?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "An agile team is a cohesive unit within an organization that embraces agile principles and methodologies to deliver value to customers efficiently and effectively. Unlike traditional teams, agile teams are cross-functional, self-organizing, and empowered to make decisions. They work in short iterative cycles (sprints) and prioritize collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement. Agile teams often follow frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, or Extreme Programming (XP) to manage their work and respond to changing requirements and customer feedback promptly." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the characteristics of a high-performing agile team?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "High-performing agile teams share several key characteristics that set them apart. These teams are known for their strong collaboration among team members, where knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving thrive. They demonstrate adaptability by embracing changes and iterations and constantly refining their processes and products. Empowerment is another hallmark, as team members are trusted to make decisions and take ownership of their work, fostering a sense of accountability and motivation. Transparency in communication and visibility into progress and outcomes are also crucial, along with a relentless focus on delivering value to customers through continuous learning, feedback incorporation, and a results-oriented mindset." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How do you measure high-performing agile teams?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Measuring the performance of high performing agile teams involves a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics. Quantitative metrics such as velocity (amount of work completed per iteration), cycle time (time taken to complete tasks), and quality metrics (defect rates, customer satisfaction scores) provide tangible indicators of productivity, efficiency, and quality of work. Qualitative measures include team happiness and collaboration levels, often gathered through surveys or feedback sessions. Tracking delivery frequency, using burnup/burndown charts to visualize progress, conducting retrospectives for continuous improvement, and collecting direct customer feedback also contribute to assessing the team's performance and effectiveness in delivering value to stakeholders." } }] } { "@context": "", "@type": "HowTo", "name": "How To Build High Performing Agile Teams", "description": "Building high-performance agile teams requires a combination of effective leadership, clear communication, and a strong team culture. Here are six steps to help you build high-performance agile teams.", "totalTime": "PT10M", "estimatedCost": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "USD", "value": "0" }, "step": [{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Define clear goals and objectives: Start by defining clear goals and objectives for your team. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Project manager or team leader should ensure that everyone on the team understands these goals and is aligned with the overall vision.", "name": "Define clear goals and objectives" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Build a diverse team: A diverse team brings different perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table, which can lead to innovative solutions and better decision-making. Diversity of backgrounds, expertise, personalities and ways of thinking should be priorities when organizations form an agile team structure. Leaders can refer to the agile roles and responsibilities matrix templates to assign roles based on individual strengths and expertise.", "name": "Build a diverse team" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Establish trust and psychological safety: Foster an environment of trust and psychological safety where team members feel comfortable taking risks, sharing ideas, and admitting mistakes without fear of judgment or failure. This openness encourages collaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement within the team.", "name": "Establish trust and psychological safety" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Empower self-organization: Agile team leaders can empower members to self-organize and make decisions collectively. This includes providing them with the autonomy to plan and execute their work while offering guidance and support as needed. The best strategy is to encourage ownership and accountability for outcomes at the team level.", "name": "Empower self-organization" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Promote effective communication: Effective communication is crucial for agile teams to stay aligned, share progress, and address challenges promptly. Leveraging communication tools and practices such as daily stand-up meetings, regular retrospectives, and collaborative platforms can facilitate transparent and timely communication among team members.", "name": "Promote effective communication" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Continuously improve and adapt: Embracing a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation is crucial to an agile development team. Leaders can encourage regular reflections on processes, outcomes, and team dynamics through retrospective meetings. In addition, agile teams can also use feedback from retrospectives to identify areas for improvement, adjust strategies, and implement changes iteratively. By following these steps and investing in the development of your team's capabilities, stakeholders can build a high-performance agile team that delivers value consistently, adapts to change effectively, and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation.", "name": "Continuously improve and adapt" }] } { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "" }, "headline": "8 Essential Characteristics of High Performing Agile Teams in 2024", "description": "Discover what makes high performing agile teams and learn how to build one with this comprehensive guide and best practices!", "image": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ashley Nguyen" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "LTS Group", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } }, "datePublished": "" }